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Welcome to my writing
Explore vicariously through me by reading and subscribing to my personal Substack where I ponder life, work, purpose, and passion while traveling the world.
Explore vicariously through me by reading and subscribing to my personal Substack where I ponder life, work, purpose, and passion while traveling the world.
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"Caitlyn's travelogue of wanderlust-inspiring adventures around the world encourages us to reflect on how traveling can be profoundly transformative for all of us, but especially young people. A deeper exploration of our place in the world everywhere we go is the best place to start."
"Caitlyn's travelogue of wanderlust-inspiring adventures around the world encourages us to reflect on how traveling can be profoundly transformative for all of us, but especially young people. A deeper exploration of our place in the world everywhere we go is the best place to start."
Priyanka Surio, Author, Third Culture Kids of the World
Priyanka Surio, Author, Third Culture Kids of the World